What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right.

There are Lamm hybrid monos, Rowland 8T, YBA Passion Integre and Lavardin integrateds, Dynaudio Contour and Confidence speakers,and that's only what I took a look at.
Too many choices, too much hesitation, no funds, not in the mood, summer time ?

Lets just say that it has become easier to buy with all the websites for high end today making buyers more uncertain of cost. You can add the fact maybe the buyers are an older crowd generation, the ones with money who are either passing away or just to old now to hear anything. Most of the people who buy from me are close if not in retirement. The cost of living put a hurt on everyone also where we are forced to buy our own medical insurance instead of saving for something we enjoy. Buying high end at one time was a choice now maybe it has become more of a selfish move with so many other needs.

Myself I will still buy the older gear, to me it is the best bang for your $. 


Look who is talking with two posts history. North Koreans are said to be good at it too.
It is hardly free to sell on ebay. Many dealers and individuals put the same items both on ebay and on Audiogon at the same time, usually at higher price on ebay to cover higher fees.
There are plenty of items, though some stuff never shows up or sells quicker than I could see it.

I am 58 years old. I lived thru the great era of audio. 15 years ago my medium sized town had 2 dedicated hifi stores. Today they are long gone and the Best Buy doesn’t even have a listening room. IMO this is due to several forces. 8 years of horrible economic conditions is the start. But, there are other forces at play as well. In the home, everyone is focused on video today, not music. Music is for "on the go". Everyone has a phone in their pocket with 100’s of hours of music on them. Headphones can be had for $10-$20. People don’t get together and do things as a group anymore. And for those of us who love audio, there are the value systems. I have a pair of Klipsch Herasy’s being driven by an OLD Jolida 202 (with new tubes), using an iPod thru a dragonfly as the source. Total cost to replicate in the used market, about $2200. Everyone who enters my office is blown away at the sound. 40 years ago to copy that sound I may have had the Klipsch speakers but the rest of the system would have been McIntosh or something designed by Bob Carver. And the source material would have been big boxes of vinyl.

And then there is the source music. My children have my grand children growing up listening to the sounds of the 1960’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Those of us who grew up listening to these artists are watching them quit playing due to health reasons or death. We need some new artists that have mass appeal. The music of this era to a great extent was happy music.  The music made you smile.  We didn't have artists singing about raping people and killing police.

Can an audio return to greatness? Sure. But it has to start with better economic conditions and people becoming less polarized. When people begin doing things together, good music, coming out of loudspeakers will return. Then, the days of the hifi will return.
Can audio return to greatness? Question is can artistry return to being artistry and not you know what ? Theoretically yes.
Economic conditions are good enough for many and not too bad for most, this is not a cause but an excuse. People spend ridiculous dollars on bullsh-t and eat three times more food than they need. Alright, I'll be more gentle - two times more. Not to mention drinking like pigs, oops I mean drinking too much.