What is it you expect to hear from hifi gear that you have not yet?

One thing for me is a noticeable difference in streamers. I need to work on that.
@mapman  Yes, all to the same DAC, and all other elements of the system are the same, too.
But I’m not really interested in mega buck audio servers.  What about just a streamer?
I am still mostly using Squeezebox Touch as my streamer with Ipeng controller app on Iphone. Wonderful device still, still sounds great and lots of functionality especially with add-ons to Logitech Media Server. DAC has also been mhdt Constantine (SS, NOS) for a number of years now.

I also run Plex and use Plexamp app on my Iphone mostly with headphones (via headphone amp) and Carplay in the car. Plexamp is relative new and delivers very good sound quality.

But am always looking to move on to latest and greatest. Just not sure what that would be and how it would be worth it for me when what I have sounds so dern good and provides so much flexibility.

I’ve heard newer streamers at dealers and shows, have not seen or heard anything yet that makes me want to jump.

How do you know what quality of the stream is, or of the original source of the digital stream?