What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
At CES 2007 Scaena used the Memory Player with it's own internal tubed output DAC directly into a Gamut D200 driving the towers of our Scaena Model 1.4. We had planned to use the more expensive and exquisite sounding ASR Emitter Exclusive II but shipping company misdelivery caused a frantic search to borrow a brand new D200. At the 2007 Stereophile HE Show in May we used the Memory Player as a transport only sending a digital signal into the excellent Behold amp. At RMAF in October we will use the MP again with it's internal DAC directly into the ASR Emitter Exclusive II with our Model 3.2- assuming shipping company co-operation.
I'd like knowing if it sounds better with its built-in Dac or a very good external Dac and how effective or necessary is an excellent digtal interconnect.
Scaena1- according to a NP dealer Audiooracle:

"The Memory Player's DAC is still in development and is not shipping at this time"

Is the MP w/DAC you've demo'd a one of a kind prototype?

Does it use the new AK4397 32 bit DAC?
Scaena! and DGarretson,
Thanks. Soooo, the MP player DAC is indeed completed and has been evaluated/listened to? I guess I thought it was still in planning/development stages. Has anyone gotten a handle on what the DAC compares with (i.e does it hold up to the Behold and other DACs it's been wed to)? I'm just trying to understand what part of this reported sonic revelation is the MP transport/software and what part is the internal DAC or the very hi-end DACs it's been seen with.

Maybe my post wasn't clear. The DAC's design has been finished for some time, what is stopping shipment has been chassis issues.

Originally the DAC was planned to be internal and now the DAC is going to reside in a similar box which goes under the transport. This will allow for more hard drive space in the Transport for redundant storage.

As per the 32bit chip set I will have to find out, but I loved what Audio Tweekers said, how many bits you are using in processing is really immaterial, it is how the device sounds is what matters.