What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
Raquel-Thanks for your kind comments. Mark Porzilli's and George Bischoff's involvement with both the Nova Physics Group and Scaena loudspeakers is well known. However, Scaena and Nova Physics are two completely independent companies with different ownerships. Neither I or Scaena Loudspeakers - the company - have any financial or other interest in Nova Physics and therefore can take no credit for the sound produced by the MP, except, of course, when exhibited with Scaena loudspeakers.
Sceana1: Thank you for the response, but knowing a bit about the hi-fi industry, I'm still betting that the left side of Messrs. Porzilli and Bischoffs' garage is Memory Player and the right side of the garage is Sceana. "Scaena and Nova Physics are two completely independent companies"?? -- I would be very surprised if these two names have even been registered as d/b/a's.

The common involvement of these gentlemen with "Nova Physics" and "Sceana" should always be disclosed where the two products are shown together or are discussed publicly together as you have done here -- the use of one manufacturer's product at a show by another manufacturer, or one manufacturer's discussion of that fact in a public forum such as Audiogon, is a strong endorsement of that product, and any commonality of ownership, management and/or design team in such instances needs to be known by potential buyers.

The above said, I again reiterate that the Memory Player sounded great to me, and someone whose opinion I greatly respect has told me that the Sceana speakers are likewise superb.
Bigamp - If there is a bonfide shootout scheduled at RMAF, I will be there with my gear. I will ask Al Stiefel if we can do a shootout, or if anything is/can be planned.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Drubin - I've been to the show before. I have to have my own room and system if I do the show, and that means 3 days driving each way pulling a trailer, plus the three show days. I just cannot afford the time. I'm backlogged 15 weeks right now. If you were a customer waiting this long, would you want to wait another 1.5 weeks?

I'm willing to fly out for a one-day demo, but that's all I have time for.

Steve N.