What is PRaT

I know this is a stupid question, but what is PRaT
In my younger days I used to get alot of prat. It had nothing whatsoever to do with audio.
PRaT is the kind of comedic "trip and fall" that Chevy Chase excels at. But seriously, Boa2's comments are very interesting and might explain why I prefer listening to, say, Mahler and Strauss songs through my tube CD player while appreciating foot-tapable stuff better when it's played on a good SS system.
Don't you love hi-fi....can't define it, but we all have it..or are in the process of searching for it...Now if someone finds something ,are you sure????
When you sit the Audio Aero Prima on some AURIOS 1.2 not only does the PRAT get better but everything else get better also ,Tone and Defintion