What is PRaT

I know this is a stupid question, but what is PRaT
Don't you love hi-fi....can't define it, but we all have it..or are in the process of searching for it...Now if someone finds something ,are you sure????
When you sit the Audio Aero Prima on some AURIOS 1.2 not only does the PRAT get better but everything else get better also ,Tone and Defintion

Pbb...while I agree that PRaT is very subjective, I don't believe it is fiction. When a large group of people can find agreement on an experience consistently, even if not quantitatively confirmed, it is not fiction.

Ask any person what "quality" or "complexity" is. I've read that even people in primitive cultures can find agreement on these terms, without similar backgrounds. How do quantitatively describe them?

Thus...you're right, but so is everybody else.

My .02

Sorry. In making my comments above, I neglected to sound off on PRaT. I like to think of it in terms of the naturalness of the sound. How "live" and "musical" it comes across.