What is "critical listening"?

Is critical listening the art of finding nits on a bald head or a is it a hard fought for level of listening acumen and competence that prevents one from buying second rate equipment? If there is such a thing, does it enhance the listening experience or detract from it?

At what point is it safe or correct to self-anoint and wear the mantle of "critical listener"?
I thought 'critical listening' is what one does to your friend's more expensive system, while 'enjoyment listening' is what one does with one's own system when you don't have the budget to upgrade.
6ch: are you and Muralman hunting again through threads?

Now just be a good boy, ok? :0)
Interesting posts! In reality, each poster is DEFINING what she/he means by "critical listening"! Good to know because wee understand each other better. Like Detlof, Bomarc & others, I use the expression for gauging equipment!!! I.e., there, I'm NOT (critically) listening to the musical performance (as per Subaru, Asa, etc) but at a set INFORMATIONAL check-list: a mental process relating to the reproduction ONLY. (BTW, not so often anymore.)

In Subaru's sense, my expression would be "opinion /evaluation of the performance".

BTW, it now takes me some time (10-15 mins), everyday, to settle down, relax & get AWAY from the "reproduction informational" part of listening, the surrounding noise, etc, & just savour the music. I'm too wired lately, I suppose...
THEN, I sometimes reach an "interactive" part: URGING, (shouting at) the musicians / the soloist... Actually, thinking about this as I write, isn't this more akin to watching a football match??? Must be nuts.