... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...

Hello to all...

Was reading on a cable/interconnect manufacturers' site that they recommend min 350 preferrably 450 hrs Burn-In time, and 2 to preferably 24 hrs Settling Time (after plugged and unplugged).

Have never heard the term Settling Time: what is it, how is it done, what effect would it have if done or not done, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - would like to hear from someone who has actually done this and your impressions...

Cables, breakin time, OMG,who has time for this hobby. I would think if you turn on your systen and it does not sound good, get some speakers, a amp,or a new cd player, or a new life! I have been in audio for 30 yrs and I read these posts and cant help but to think we are putting too much effort into this insanity. I am also guilty of trying to achieve audio perfection but as we try to chase this insanity, if any abstract audio improvent idea sounds like something that will change our lives. Trust me,,,,it dosent exist! If you need a new sound,,,change something meangingful in your system,,,or get a new life!!!!!!!!
Living Life and finding new music to listen too,,,good music and accepting how it sounds on my current audio rig
Ask one hundred people, you'll get one hundred different answers. Even if you can find someone to give you a direct answer to your questions, would you believe them without verifying yourself? Let your ears be your guide and cut out the middle man...