What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Fellow audio enthusiasts -

I beseech you by the mercies of Audiophilia to rescue me from my own ignorance. After reading all that I could about the many receptacles both on Agon and the net, I confess that I am now more confused than before. Nickel plated - good or not? Gold plated - good or not? Can someone answer this question for me, pls?

What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
I've tried 3. Hubbel, Power port and Porter Port. Porter port wins by a wide margin.
Hey Jfrech,

Have you tried those cryo'd receptacles? I keep hearing a lot about 'em. If so, what do you think? What is your assoc. gear?
The Furutech FP 2g or 2r is the best that I have had..
Had wattgate, ps audio.. Furutech is just built better and has a better grip than the others.
Happy listening,
Custom Audio LLC