What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Fellow audio enthusiasts -

I beseech you by the mercies of Audiophilia to rescue me from my own ignorance. After reading all that I could about the many receptacles both on Agon and the net, I confess that I am now more confused than before. Nickel plated - good or not? Gold plated - good or not? Can someone answer this question for me, pls?

What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
Okay, then what about this: This receptacle is going to feed a PS Audio P1000 and Levinson 33H's (which regenerates pure ac). In the future I'll run the 33H's directly into a RGPC Substation. When these variables are added in to the equation, does the receptacle become less of a factor or not?
In my opinion regardless of what you do, the AC outlet is always important. I can hear the differences in my high resolution systems fed from two isolation transformers 5 KVA each.
As Lak says, the receptacle is always a factor. You should also take into consideration, though, that the receptacles in the PS Audio should be replaced, and probably the Richard Gray (I'm assuming that's what RGPC is-hope I'm not wrong). If you don't do that, you're only reaping about 50% of the benefit.