mzkmxcv - 2 flaws in your logic/posts: you can’t afford an expensive cable so you will never be able to buy 1 and compare it to your $30 cable, so you have to bad mouth a product you can’t afford or put down people who can afford 1.
2nd- you state to someone that if they hear a difference in cables, don’t state it publicly because that isn’t the truth, so that means only you state the truth! Pure BS! Until you can physically audition a $4000 cable in a system that allows you to hear the difference, leave your truth at home
2nd- you state to someone that if they hear a difference in cables, don’t state it publicly because that isn’t the truth, so that means only you state the truth! Pure BS! Until you can physically audition a $4000 cable in a system that allows you to hear the difference, leave your truth at home