mzkmxcvHow can you state your stance is factual, with just experience/testimonial ...
I never stated that. Please don’t put words in my mouth.
The “truth” I am using are the measurements that show no audible differences ...
Are they your measurements? How can your correlate your measurements with listening tests that prove "no audible differences" if you refuse to listen to the product under discussion?
I’m not so stubborn that I would blind refute valid data..
You’re stubborn enough to refuse to listen to the product under discussion. That tells many of us here all that we need to know about you.
Incidentally, I have no issue with your faith-based convictions. Faith needs no justification or substantiation. That’s the nature of Faith.
Unless it was double-blind and quick-switching, one cannot make factual statements, only subjective.
You pronounce this requirement and then exempt yourself from your own rule. That is what’s called "blind faith." And it’s fine to embrace blind faith. But what you’ve done is insist that your special brand of Blind Faith is supported by Science.