The irony is in most power cables if you remove the megabuck cable plugs and inlet and hardwire the cable into the equipment you can halve the cost and increase the sound quality. It cracks me up to see audiophiles buying jewellery type connectors, when if they simply bypassed them ...
Same with earthing, well implemented single earth path for the whole system can yield significant improvements in noise floor and transparency. Again it cracks me up to see megabuck systems compromised by having multiple power feeds and hence multiple grounding points that inevitably increase the likelihood of hum etc.
A little housekeeping goes a long way.
The irony is in most power cables if you remove the megabuck cable plugs and inlet and hardwire the cable into the equipment you can halve the cost and increase the sound quality. It cracks me up to see audiophiles buying jewellery type connectors, when if they simply bypassed them ...
Same with earthing, well implemented single earth path for the whole system can yield significant improvements in noise floor and transparency. Again it cracks me up to see megabuck systems compromised by having multiple power feeds and hence multiple grounding points that inevitably increase the likelihood of hum etc.
A little housekeeping goes a long way.