What is the best Preamp+Power Amp for Proac K6 ?


I do have ProacK6 and use with Pass x350.5 and dCS Puccini+Uclock. I am not happy, something missing. Now I just intend to sell dCS and bought already Moon Andromeda RS. What power and pre must use to have best result ? I like very much dynamics, organic sound, something like Sugden, very touching emotions ... Some advice ?
Check out the EAR 868 preamp and the 890 amp.
EAR and Proac are a fantastic combination.
Gryphon Audio have on my location but is up for my budget. I find here MSB 202 for sell, some people said that MSB can be matching with my new souce Andromeda and K6 speaker

Thanks for all your reply
Czapp do you listen yourself EAR with Proac K6 ? What is the sound ? is for sell here 868 too
Hello Razvanvrs, I am a Proac k6 owner and I use an Accuphase E560 integrated amp with very good results. It has only 30 w per channel (pure class A) but I find it more than enough to get the Proacs singing.

I have also heard the k6 driven by very low-powered Audio Note tube amps and the sound was fantastic. So I unless you listen to music and ear-splitting levels, I wouldn't worry too much about having lots of power.

Basically I believe the ribbon tweeter used in the k6 needs to be matched with a tube or class A to maximize its performance.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

PS if you still want a pre power combo, try the class A ones from Accuphase.
I am driving my ProAC K6 with Conrad Johnson ACT2 Preamp and Conrad Johnson LP140M PowerAmp with good result. My sources are: Audio Aero Capitol Reference SE CDP and Micro Seiki RX500 (Turntable) + Moerch DP8 Tonarm + Benz Micro Ebony Cartridge. All cables are Audiance.