What is the best sounding Mahler symphony cycle?

Folks... I love Mahler but my two versions of the 5th sound very low-fi. I am looking for a well --- really well --- recorded 5th on redbook CD --- or better still... a whole mahler symphony cycle that is audiophile (or... near audiophile quality.

Any help would be appreciated
I never heard any Blomstedt Mahler; I just assumed it wasn’t in his repertoire 
I am listening to the Blomstedt Ninth on Qobuz now so it must be available?
Just finished III; so far it’s excellent 
I had ordered Fisher/Budapest M1 and I have to concur with the naysayers here.  It’s nicely played but in a ridiculously crowded field it doesn’t offer much that is new.
@mahler123If you are not impressed by Fischer's Mahler No 1 why don't you try his No 4 as this one is at the moment my favourite but stream it before you buy it as I hate to see people left with a CD that they now have as a coaster.
Jim 204
  I assume that you mean Ivan Fischer and Budapest.  I like their Fourthand I’ve been comparing it with the Blu Ray of Ivan Fischer leading the Concertgebouw.  They are very similar