What is the best tonearm at about 3000 budget?

Just wondering what is the best tonearm at the $3000 budget in general? I know that there is an issue on compatibility.

Ummm...because of the chocolaty, precise, polite presentation or because you're listening to accordian on a $3,000 tonearm?

Now, all you accordian zealots don't flame me...my tongue is firmly in cheek.
I know this is an old post but it's probably a question that people are still asking, especially as a lot has happened in the Tonearm market since 2002. As I write, that's 17 years ago!

So I am extremely impressed with the Viroa tonearm from Tien Audio. Tien is currently doing a giveaway of this $2,500 tonearm. You can get the chance to win on here https://giveaways.rateyoursound.com

If sweepstakes aren't your thing and you want to read more, see https://tienaudioltd.com and read a full review of the Viroa tonearm here https://www.rateyoursound.com/reviews/tien-audio-viroa-best-audiophile-tonearm-under-3000
Haipo, there is one arm that stands out from all the others in this price range and that is the Kuzma 4 point 9. I has the best bearings of any pivoted tonearm ever made, the same bearings used on the much more expensive 4 point 11 and 14. It has a removable head shell and its effective mass is perfect for medium compliance cartridges. It has a fat, stiff and tapered arm tube. It has been favorably compared to the $20K SAT arm. Read about it!