What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
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"In the meantime, there are USB converters and DAC's available now that not only beat the very best CD players, they actually beat vinyl."

Please elaborate. In my experience I have not yet heard a digital system that can best high-end analog. Would love to hear what you recommend. Spending $50 for high quality 45-rpm vinyl quickly adds up.
I've been using a computer based system since 2007 and from my experience, it has fully arrived. All music ripped to a laptop running SB server talking via wireless network to MW Transporter and using my iPhone to control tbe player.

Also with computer based system, internet radio is fabulous with so many choices and excellent sound quality. I find myself playing internet radio 50+% of the time and discovered so much new music.

I have a TRL Sony SACD player but my MW Transporter is much superior so only seldom use for SACDs.

The ultimate solution is preload the data in memory and the processing possibilities are endless. Before a dac/computer can process the data, it has to be loaded into memory so IMO, transport is probably the worst reliable way. Once in memory, data can be pre-process before use if desire, dynamically accessible instantiously ...

On Lukasz Fikus of LAMPIZATOR website, he has statistics in various methods to reading data and the worst by far in terms of speed and reliability is from a cd transport and reason he builds a memory transport.

Just my .02
For those who prefer to use conventional CDs the PS Audio PWT has memory processing. I believe this is a major factor in its ability to outpreform many of the expensive(traditional laser based transports).

I`m sure computer audio based systems can sound excellent,at this stage many CD users just are`nt 'compelled' to change just yet.I `m certain at some point in the future many will make that transition but there`s no great sense of urgency.
>Neal, the system will not allow me to see your contact info. I am not sure how to manage this new Agon<

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