What is the best vintage TT for new audiophile?

After many years of ignoring my vinyl, I have decided to wade back into the audiophile pool. I am looking at the Thorens TD-160 s well as the TD-126 MK III but have also seen a Luxman PD121 and PD272. I'm only doing this once, maybe there is something better out there??? If not, what should I pay for the units above?? Help!
Many thx.
I have to say that while I love the TD160 that I bought for a dear friend, when he bought an RP1 for a second system (same identical components,) he really fell more in love with vinyl. Not sure if it was a setup issue and the TD 160 was in great condition. I just think those Regas are great. An RP3 is a great place to start or a used P3 if that's more in the budget range.

I went thru the entire process you are currently doing. Check out Vinyl Nirvana website, they completely refurbish Thoren & AR turntables. I ordered a Thorens 125TD with a SME arm all at a reasonable price. I decided on a vintage turntable that wouldn't break the bank. I have 2 watts amps and single driver speakers. All old school and it all sounds wonderful. Check out Vinyl Nirvana
"I'm only doing this once...". I've heard that before. IMO, unless you're an expert, if you want vinyl to be as grief-free as possible, I would stick with a modern turntable, purchased from a dealer who can help you with issues that inevitably arise. I didn't read every post, so I don't know what your budget is, but I can recommend anything from Linn or Basis. If you want to spend less, the Music Hall MMF 5/7 are nice tables, but I wouldn't go any lower. I'm not a big Rega fan, but they are also very good trouble-free tables.