What is the Phono stage you have finished with?

Hello, Like many I have an e.a.r 834p, and it has served me well for many years, I am now however looking for a new MC phono stage. I am up for going quite a few stages up from the ear (so the next phono will last me a few years!).

Would like to hear from you guys who have already gone down this road!
Happy listening

Am pretty happy with my Pro-ject Tube Box SE II, but then I haven't tried many others.
Graham Slee Reflex M phono preamp with Graham Slee Elevator, VPI Super Scoutmaster Reference rimdrive, 10.5i tonearm, Lyra Titan-i cartridge, Classic platter. Extremely happy with this combo.
After going throguh a bunch including a project tube box and a Wright 200WPC, Bottlehead Seduction I went with a Hagerman Cornet II. amazing
Krell KPE reference -> Ear 834P -> Aesthetix Rhea -> Manlely Chinook -> Manley Steelhead, where I think I'll "stop and smell the roses" for awhile.

Along the way I also have Liberty B2B (which is a fantastic solid state phono stage!) and a Bellari 130 for fun with MM carts.
I have added a Pass XP-25 to my TW Acustik phono stage. This now gives me great flexibility depending on cartridge and mood. I have no great desire to listen to anything else.

Best of both worlds with ss and tube.
