Newer is not necessary better. There is nothing wrong w/older technology. Especially true w/tuners. Good sound can be had for very little $. Recently been shopping on "E-bay" and have bought excellent older equipment for cents on the dollar. Most of the equipment I remember reading about or actually using/or selling. Always check on the seller's feedback and e-mail them a question.(Make sure they know how to pack well!) Interconnects/spk. wires/power cords are very important. Don't skimp and buy used if possible. (Not always the cheapest! I've seen Van de Hul's selling for more
than ordering new directly from England.) AC conditiong is very important as well as having dedicated lines if possible. At the very least change the inexpensive outlet to a higher-grade outlet. Clean your contacts. Seperate your interconnects/spk. wire from AC cords. Equipment break-in/settling time is very important. Do your research. Reading these forum topics you'll get a sense of the equipment's orientation, whether on the lean or warm side of the spectrum. It all boils down to system matching/the room and a person's expectations. Hopefully you'll put a satisfying system together on the first time around but this unlikely, that's why it's very important to have lots of pieces around for the puzzle! :) Once you get "it" right, sell off the excess and get off the "merry-go-round" and be content if possible.
than ordering new directly from England.) AC conditiong is very important as well as having dedicated lines if possible. At the very least change the inexpensive outlet to a higher-grade outlet. Clean your contacts. Seperate your interconnects/spk. wire from AC cords. Equipment break-in/settling time is very important. Do your research. Reading these forum topics you'll get a sense of the equipment's orientation, whether on the lean or warm side of the spectrum. It all boils down to system matching/the room and a person's expectations. Hopefully you'll put a satisfying system together on the first time around but this unlikely, that's why it's very important to have lots of pieces around for the puzzle! :) Once you get "it" right, sell off the excess and get off the "merry-go-round" and be content if possible.