Main system:
early 1970's: a home built Philips speaker
1976: Quad esl 57
2009: Quad 2805
2012: B&W PV1d to supplement the Q2805s, tamed by a DSpeaker Antimode 8033 (crucial)
Secundary system in my study:
1991: Rogers LS3/5a
2015: Harbeth P3ESR
bedroom system:
2008: Wharfedale Diamond 9.0
As should be obvious from the list, I am not an impulse buyer.
early 1970's: a home built Philips speaker
1976: Quad esl 57
2009: Quad 2805
2012: B&W PV1d to supplement the Q2805s, tamed by a DSpeaker Antimode 8033 (crucial)
Secundary system in my study:
1991: Rogers LS3/5a
2015: Harbeth P3ESR
bedroom system:
2008: Wharfedale Diamond 9.0
As should be obvious from the list, I am not an impulse buyer.