What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
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I'm using the Symposium Acoustics Ultra Platform under my integrated amplifier with very noticeable results.  The sound is more focused and the background though very good to begin with seems slightly darker and the tonal focus seems better.  

I also have Symposium footers underneath my CD transport and speakers.
I just got my Chinese spring footers in yesterday ($40 for a set of 8: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32953238126.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.69914c4dryN2ld). They are a substantial upgrade over the iso acoustics pucks I'd had under my Coincident PRE head units. If you place your hand on top of the bass cabinets that the head units sit on, you can feel the vibration of the woofers. These units completely decouple the head units from this vibration, the pucks did not. Imaging precision has increased accordingly.

I first tried placing them under the bass cabinets instead, but got a pretty striking reduction in bass output. I'd forgotten that the same result happened when I tried out isoacoustic feet as well. I think the dual 12" woofers just benefit from having a more solid launching platform. So, a word of warning there. 

I also put my amps and preamps on springs at the same time.  Clearly the big effect is from isolating my mid-range & tweeters, so I don't know if much changed from doing the equipment as well (everything was already on cheap rubber & cork vibration dampening squares). That said, the effect was so dramatic for the speakers that I'll definitely do the entire system... Especially at $40 for 8 footers.