What makes a better phono cable ?

Silver or copper? My understanding would be silver but finding a low capacitance silver cable has been a challenge.Currently using a Synergistic Tricon Analog.Nice cable but seems to be my weakest link.Any experienced input would be greatly appreciated.
Geez, is the cable debate still going on? What's it been, 35 years now?
"Better" means many different things to many different people. Get 10 audiophiles in a room with 10 different cables and you will get 11 opinions on which cable is "better".

Words like "Better" and "Best" are really meaningless, IMHO.
Syntax, you're still making unfounded and unproven rubbish statements as factoids, why?
Actually, Benjamin Franklin had put a lot of thought into which type of string would work best for his kite.....
Many thanks to all for the replies. What I should of stated in the original post was which conductor is the most revealing as a phono cable given the fact that the signal is so small but very important part of the chain.Just makes sense to have a true to the sorce as possible cable from cartridge to phono.