What makes a Cd player a Great cd player

Can someone please explain to me what a great cdp do that a good cdp wont do? Is the purpose to make what has actually been recorded sound better, or to merly expose what has been recorded?
I think thats a matter of opinion. I find that some cdp tend the color the music. In other words an inferior recording will sound better on a average player than some high end players
>>06-01-10: Buff
General rule of thumb is 3x your vinyl rigs cost should make your ears pretty comfortable.<<

That is really lame.

Rookie misunderstandting as well.
>>What makes a Cd player a Great cd player?<<

The listener

Brilliant, Bill! Now that is exactly right!
Many have told you to concentrate on upgrading the rest of yr system and perhaps this is true BUT....since you asked, I would strongly suggest that when $ permits, you invest in a great USED CD player, many of which you can find right here at A'gon. I own and unequivocably recommend an Arcam CD23, a player that originally sold for $2000+, but now averages (used) around $600, when you can find one. As far as what makes this a 'great' CD player, the numerous reviews available on the 'net will explain it at length. This will be all the 'great CD player' that you'll need for a long time!