Hi Raul,
If I may offer you a bit of friendly advice, and remember ... free advice is usually worth a bit less than what you pay for it.
This is where you need to be patient. You will not convert everyone, and most of those whom you do convert you will not do so overnight.
I think I can state with confidence that each and every one of the designers participating in this thread have the same amount of pride in their product that you do, as well as the vision that they have a unique window into musical reality. I would expect no less.
Fighting the limitations in peoples' thought is one of those Zen paradoxes however. The more you try, the further behind you get.
It's important to take a historical perspective on this - to realize that many great concepts did not benefit the innovator ... until years after their death. Now, none of us are arguing that we like this, and many of us have achieved some degree of notoriety in our lifetimes (still waiting on that 40 foot sailboat), but one still needs to accept the possibility that success (no matter how you define it) may not be in the cards for you.
There are all sorts of reasons why consciousness moves slowly. Certainly, people are slow to move out of comfort zones. Have you ever heard the expression: "whom are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?". You have to accept that people change at their own pace, and you can't force your reality on others. If you push, they will push back.
Oh yes ... the last thing I want to do is to be the "boss" of any thread. I am humbled by the great minds who are participating here.
Thom @ Galibier
If I may offer you a bit of friendly advice, and remember ... free advice is usually worth a bit less than what you pay for it.
I know that we have " to fight " not only against limitations in electronic parts, technology limitations but more important than that limitations in the way people think: this is our challenge, 90% or more of the Essential 3150 ( presentations ) were on tube lover audio systems, not an easy task I can tell you.
This is where you need to be patient. You will not convert everyone, and most of those whom you do convert you will not do so overnight.
I think I can state with confidence that each and every one of the designers participating in this thread have the same amount of pride in their product that you do, as well as the vision that they have a unique window into musical reality. I would expect no less.
Fighting the limitations in peoples' thought is one of those Zen paradoxes however. The more you try, the further behind you get.
It's important to take a historical perspective on this - to realize that many great concepts did not benefit the innovator ... until years after their death. Now, none of us are arguing that we like this, and many of us have achieved some degree of notoriety in our lifetimes (still waiting on that 40 foot sailboat), but one still needs to accept the possibility that success (no matter how you define it) may not be in the cards for you.
There are all sorts of reasons why consciousness moves slowly. Certainly, people are slow to move out of comfort zones. Have you ever heard the expression: "whom are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?". You have to accept that people change at their own pace, and you can't force your reality on others. If you push, they will push back.
Oh yes ... the last thing I want to do is to be the "boss" of any thread. I am humbled by the great minds who are participating here.
Thom @ Galibier