IMHO, much of the _magic_ in a _magical_ system is due to accurate retrieval and accurate reproduction of minute low-level details that are frequently obscured with lower resolution systems.
This is frequently accomplished more cheaply ane easily thru lower power tubes matched with high efficiency speakers - hence tbe current revival of SET and horns.
I don't mean to say it cannot be done well with other methods, and I'm not saying it's cheap if done where you frequently get goosebumps - I am saying it's a good bit less expensive _big grin_
As to slappy's "distorted ass-tubes" comment _grin_, hey Slappy, you either think maybe you're measuring the wrong things? _big grin_ IMHO most measurements are little more than marketing tools.
Caveat - when I grew up, if you listened to reproduced music, you were listening to tubes, SS wasn't on the market.
Tubes sound "right" to me. If digital or whatever eventually sounds "righter", I'll go digital or whatever _grin_
This is frequently accomplished more cheaply ane easily thru lower power tubes matched with high efficiency speakers - hence tbe current revival of SET and horns.
I don't mean to say it cannot be done well with other methods, and I'm not saying it's cheap if done where you frequently get goosebumps - I am saying it's a good bit less expensive _big grin_
As to slappy's "distorted ass-tubes" comment _grin_, hey Slappy, you either think maybe you're measuring the wrong things? _big grin_ IMHO most measurements are little more than marketing tools.
Caveat - when I grew up, if you listened to reproduced music, you were listening to tubes, SS wasn't on the market.
Tubes sound "right" to me. If digital or whatever eventually sounds "righter", I'll go digital or whatever _grin_