Geoffkait, let me be most specific; I was referring to my deck which is a 2 track. One of my posts explains the differences in the size of the heads in 4 track and 2 track. The heads are larger in 2 track than 4 track. The playback of the 4 track will be identical to the record. The play back on the 2 track will be identical to the record, except the sound will be bigger because of the playback heads. That doesn't only go for the records, it also goes for you speakers, they will sound bigger because the source is bigger.
A small screen TV may not be better than a big screen TV, but you can see and enjoy more detail.
Think of the fundamental difference between a cassette deck and a reel, assuming high end in both cases, the reel sounds better mostly because of the larger heads. In the past, most decks were 4 track allowing you to record and playback in both directions, thereby saving money on the cost of tape. 2 Track records in one direction and that's it.
Since what has been recorded on 2 track is the same identical information that's on the record, you may not consider it better, but bigger sounds better to everyone listening.