What mid priced receiver sounds best?

I',m currently using a yamaha rx-v1900 with paradigm monitor 11's and 9's version 6. Wanted input on Onyko tx-nr818? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you looking for a better sound than your Yamaha or newer features, or both?
Thanks guys for the input. I didn't go for Nad because of the price point. I know Nad builds quality, but I couldn't step into the realm of it's price. I took a chance and bought the Onyko TX-NR818 to replace my Yamaha RX-V1900 the sound quality
is warmer and doesn't make my Paradigm Monitor 11's and 9's V6 scream out at the tweeters any more. I'm getting a bit more bass, but am more impressed with getting more of the mids. I'm playing everything from records, sacd's, cd'c, stereo, and internet radio and have been extremely happy playing everything flat without having to alter the sound in any way. I'll be selling my Yamaha very soon if anyone is interested. Again thanks for the response, it meant alot.
The 818 is a stunning amp. Wenn you use Audyssey XT32 well there is no competition in this price tag. I sold a few this year and had stunning results. In a big farm with the worst acoustics ever I had a stunning sound only cause of Audyssey XT32.
Tandberg tr2080 if you can find one still in good working order. Most NADs are a good choice as well.
Hi bo1972 thanks for the info and sorry for not responding sooner. As so far I'm really enjoying the Onyko 818, but still haven't had the chance to set it up properly with the Audyssey XT32. I'll have that chance when I get a tv for the basement. I'm currently looking for a 60" smart plasma, and have made arrangements to have my cable guy move my pc down there to be able to stream everything. Do you have any suggestions on a decent 60" plasma without getting to crazy on the price? I would appreciate the help.... Rich