what multi player with sunfire tg3/cgss2 combo?

was wondering if anybody has any recommendation on what kind of multiplayer dvd/dvd-a/sacd to get with that system.

i used b&w 805s/htm2/dm600s3/asw2500
blueheaven interconnects+speaker cables
richard gray power company s400

my fired choice would be a rt-10? anything that does that same for less cash? wish they would make a rt-10 in black.... marantz-8300... denon 9000? i currently use a dv88 and for 2 channel i am very happy but need multi


i decided on the RT-10

now i am just a touch worried about the power 425w into 805 htm2 and dm600 - i would hate to blow these speakers
Also check out the new Marantz DV-8400, It's supposed to be one heck of a player. I have a friend that owns one and he loves it, and he's very critical when it comes to sound.