What ohm to set amp

I have the Sonus Faber towers with matching center. Running a Marantz AV7005 with a Mcintosh Mc205 for power. I've read in a couple of reviews, where the towers were running at 4.1 to 4.7 ohms and the center was running at 6.2 ohms. They are 8 ohm speakers, can I run it at 4 ohms? My friend said I can run them at 4, but couldn't tell me if there would be issues down the road.
Al, thanks again for the education. So to restate what you said above, "[t]he tighter the regulation, meaning the smaller the +/- number, the LESS the voltage will increase as load impedance increases, and the LESS the voltage will decrease as load impedance decreases."

"An ideal voltage paradigm amplifier will have a regulation of +/- 0.0000 db. Its output voltage will not change at all as load impedance varies. And, per Ohm's Law, for a given output voltage the amount of current drawn by the load will vary inversely with the impedance of the load. So since power is proportional to voltage x current, and equals voltage x current in the case of a purely resistive load, the power delivery of a voltage paradigm amplifier will NOT "correspond to the magnitude of the input signal."

And as to Ralph's comment about tonal balance problems, I suppose using a tube amp that has a high output impedance implicates the mismatch issue more so than using a tube amp that has a lower output impedance.

Last and final point: I think I'll keep my day job.

And Al .... thanks again for the education.

As to Ralph's comment about tonal balance problems, I suppose using a tube amp that has a high output impedance implicates the mismatch issue more so than using a tube amp that has a lower output impedance.
You've got it correctly!

Best regards,
-- Al