What other speakers would you consider for this ..

I know there is no substitute for auditioning , which I have been doing, but wonder if there are other speakers I should consider which would meet my system and other requirements:
I have ...
Analog front end with:
Gyro SE
Shelter 501 MC
Plinius M14 phonostage

Digital: Cal Audiolabs ICON MK2 HDCD - to be upgraded if I can find some CD player that makes upgrade worthwhile

Preamp: Lamm LL2 dual mono tube

Amp: Plinius SA102

Current Speakers: B&W Matrix 804

Interconnects/speaker cables - to be upgraded depending on speakers.

This system is almost too detailed and "in your face" for digital but quite nice with analog which is 90% of my listening.

Other important considerations - My litening area is in an open floor plan home in a corner of a 30 X 30 area. So the total room is large but i am not centrally located in it. I can be 4' off the walls but primary listening seat is about 10' from the speakers with open space behind.

Given open exposure of my system to the rest of the living space WAF (wife acceptance factor) is big. Speakers which are deep but present a narrow front surface seem to have the greatest acceptance.

What I have listened to and considered but not in my exact system:

- B&W Nautilus 803 - I really liked 'em
- Audio Physic Virgo - I reall liked 'em too!

anything else? Much thanks for your suggestions!
I HIGHLY recommend the Roman Audio Centurions, these smoked some B&W 802's and some Dynaudio's (don't remember which model)that I had demo-ed. Every once and a while You'll see a pair come up here on Audiogon. And once you get you speakers bought, try Virtual Image interconnects and power cables.
i newly converted audio physic fsn ( i just pu a pair of libras')

the typical audio physic house sound is a "little" laid back /warm depending how they are set up(imo).

the bass is deep and detailed but it does not have that visceral bass punch of speakers in the same $$$ catergory.

they are very, very room dependent in this regards- they are designed to load the room using the exsisting boundries and prefer a near field listening position. with that said, i would try before you buy looking at your room. the avantis may be a better fit.

another consideration is the dali's. if i didnt go the ap libra route this was my next speaker of choice. other consideratons are the vandersteen 5 and the joesph audio.

good luck,

btw, the marantz sa-8260 is a pretty good redbook cd player. the reviews are true on this one.

the cd is very close to sacd and both formats have a relaxing analog sounding presentation.

however, would suggest to buy new with a warranty, there have been some toc/transport issues with earlier models ( i had major problems with my frist one)

If you like the analogue sound, then why scrap the speakers? Get an external d/a to help the digital sound. Look for something like a CAL or Theta which should warm up the cd sound some?