What power cable for DAC?

I've had my PS Audio Digital Link III for a couple weeks now. The first week I ran it off the factory power cord and it sounded quite good. I figured it could benefit from a better pc so I got a Pangea AC-14 from Audio Advisor. Now I know this isn't the greatest pc on the market, but for the price I thought I couldn't go wrong. It has made my system a lot brighter and subdued the low notes significantly. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better pc for this dac?? If it makes any difference, my Arcam integrated amp is running off a PS Audio Prelude SC pc.

Showing 2 responses by tobias

The Acoustic Zen El Nino is a good cord for digital sources at a reasonable price.
Duaneadam, there are units that don't gain or lose much at all from upgraded paower cords. My old Cambridge IsoMagic was a case in point. Nice if it happens to you.

Other units do show a clear improvement, in soundstage and instrument separation usually, and often clarity in the highs. (Sometimes we even get what we all want, i.e. more bass, drool.) I can cite my Stellavox ST-2, my Esoteric P-10, my JAS Audio Musik 1.2 and all my Shanling players here.

Whether or not a unit does benefit from a power cord may depend on the design and quality of its power supply. I'm certainly prepared to believe that Daniel Weiss knows how to build one of those.