what really happened to j. skul

why did j skul get fired from stereophile?
J10, my post was not an attack on you. I don't know anything about you professionally or personally to make any comments.
I didn't say your responses have no useful purpose. It's fine to defend yourself. Like I said, I just don't see this thread as having any useful purpose. As in, what does dragging someone through the mud accomplish?
lostinspaceandtime,i agree, i was commenting on the js post telling us about archibalds time on the freedom buses,the guys political views are not mine but he walked the walk and had mucho stones. i was not one of the rabid right who cancelled,i liked the mag to much for that,but i felt then as i do now,a hobby mag is not newsweek.sheesh. end of the larry story.peace and music.
It's completely true that I have made up my mind in this thread.

Previously, Jonathan Scull was simply a reviewer I didn't care for. As I said, the early days of Fine Tunes proved value to me. In fact, with the advice given via his brief, detailed description of the Audio Physic method of speaker placement, I was able to wrest a not so insignificant upgrade to my system.

My overall feelings of Scull in the magazine are based on a long, long Stereophile relationship. And, yes, I do read every page, every ad, every review. Even Jonathan Scull's.

Now, he is someone I flat out don't like.

Should he or anyone else care? Of course not, it's simply my reaction to him. Do others feel that way? That's for them to say.

Is it closed minded to make up my mind? If so, then I guess I am closed minded. Wonderful. J10 is making one hell of a jump with that assertion, however. Personally, I have always felt that it takes some time to determine whether a person is close minded or not. But, hey.

Maybe it's just that if one disagrees with Scull, that would make one close minded. That would be even more wonderful. I do feel that it's way overcrowded at the meetings, though.

East Coast liberal of the worst kind? Yes, I agree. He seems to be exactly that. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the worst of the East Coast liberals have caused a lot of hell for a lot of people inside and outside of the USA. My experience with liberals of the worst kind has left me with the impression that their minds and hearts no more open than the most blatant on the other side.

I am curious to see if I am labeled a conservative, a redneck, or a "construction worker" (very elitist of him there) for feeling a certain way about the East Coast's liberals of the worst kind. But, I hope he wouldn't do anything like that. It would be closed minded.

Besides, he would be wrong.

That's why I do have a problem with someone who labels another person closed minded when they nothing about that person's system, musical, or anything else in the world tastes. To me, that's a classic case of closed mindedness.

And since we are so interested in being open minded, and I am certainly a fan of open mindedness, here are a few words to add to your spell checker Jonathan Scull: Adcom, Cambridge, Creek, Jolida, Paradigm, Quicksilver, Rega, Rogue, and Sunfire. Take a minute to investigate them.

No wait, let me ruin the suspense, they are high end audio companies. Surprise! Please take the time to listen to them - you may be pleasantly surprised. And, you may even find your mind opened a bit.

Before this weekend, I figured that the story on Scull being a casualty of the budget was true. Now, based on his bizarre nature coming through strongly in this thread, I am beginning to believe that maybe there was more to it than money.

Was it personal???