What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?

I've tried a Shunyata Taipan Helix,Shunyata Python CX and a PS Audio Statement. The Statement is warmer and preferrable to the Taipan and Python but I'd like to try a few others suggested by those who have some experience with the cords I've already tried or those who have a cj CT5. I love Shunyata snakes on my front end and main amp, but for some reason, the connie just doesn't like them. BTW, I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and they're unforgiving.

Showing 1 response by mooglie

Well, I do not have experience with thoses cords or components. However, I would suggest you consider a Kaplan Cable.

Very smooth, clean, and clear, with great bass. Not edgy at all, with excellent soundstaging.

You should be able to arrange an audition with Tweekgeek.