What's Best Care for Piano Black Finish Speakers?

Hello- I just got a new pair of speakers in Piano Black finish. They look great. BUT, I know they need SPECIAL care, to prevent SWIRL marks from cleaning. Can anyone give me advice on the type of cloth to use and cleaners and/or polish for them? Thanks.
I have used this product on my Definitive Piano black gloss caps to Kharma 3.1 speakers to the acrylic platform on my Basis turntable. Polish with "Zymol" which is made for clearcoat car finishes and will not scratch or leave swirl marks and actually removes them leaving the finish smooth to the point where dust does not settle and if it does can easily be removed. Plus it will bring back older finishes to near new and keep new finishes, well new . I put on a couple of coats maybe twice a year, cleaning between wax with a soft dry cloth or with windex for the flat surfaces where dust would settle.
I do exactly as discribed in Rushton's Yamaha post. I use a clean cloth dampened with water. I go in straight lines across the surface and I follow with a clean, soft dry towel. If needed, I use a cloth dampened with a slightly soapy solution, then follow with a water dampened cloth, then dry with a clean, soft towel.


And, keep the humidity in the house at 40%, lest the wood crack.....which usually is not covered in the warranty.