What's Best Care for Piano Black Finish Speakers?

Hello- I just got a new pair of speakers in Piano Black finish. They look great. BUT, I know they need SPECIAL care, to prevent SWIRL marks from cleaning. Can anyone give me advice on the type of cloth to use and cleaners and/or polish for them? Thanks.
I do exactly as discribed in Rushton's Yamaha post. I use a clean cloth dampened with water. I go in straight lines across the surface and I follow with a clean, soft dry towel. If needed, I use a cloth dampened with a slightly soapy solution, then follow with a water dampened cloth, then dry with a clean, soft towel.


And, keep the humidity in the house at 40%, lest the wood crack.....which usually is not covered in the warranty.
The best type of soft cloth will most likely be a flannel one.You can find it in any material store,or do as I did,and cut up your old PJ's.Use a good fabric softener,and you have a great,soft polishing cloth.