What's best CD player one piece price no object

I am awaiting the new Spectral one piece CD player, estimated to cost $9,500 and to come out early next year. What other players should I consider, given the rest of my system (Spectral amp and preamp, Watt/Puppy 7s, MIT interconnects)? Thanks for the input.
Levinson 390, Audio Aero Capitole MK2, Electrocompaniet ECM1. Also, Bow made a great CD Player.
I have your same system with WATT/Puppy 6's versus your 7's. I listened to numerous one and two-piece CD playback systemsÂ’ including the Spectral separates. I purchased a Sony XA777ES based on how well it sounded in my system. This is my first CD player. My Basis/Graham/Benz Micro turntable system still sounds much better than any CD playback component(s) I have heard. Until the various digital format issues are sorted out I will continue to depend on vinyl for my best source material and enjoy CD's for their ease of use and wide selection of music. Hopefully technology will eventually develop a digital format that sounds as good as vinyl. When that happens I will no doubt buy a cutting edge CD payback system.
Here is my short list of wonderful one box players that i have tried and loved :

- Audio Aero capitole mk II (maybe a bit too much air and quality control isnt top notch)
- Wadia 861 (really REALLY fantastic player)
- Accuphase DP85 (what im currently using and loving it)

I third Mejames & Tireguy, I'm leaning towards the tube sound, and so far on my posts, the Capitole keeps coming up, overall simplicity-wise and otherwise, no trans/dac/digital cable matching, can be used with or w/o preamp if desired. I'll probably end up buying it after I exhaust all my other options.