What's better than HT Platinum Digital cable?

If you have lived with the HT Platinum digital interconnect for an extended period (3+ months) of time and then upgraded, what did you upgrade to? And what improvements if any occured? Where you satisfied with the upgrade?

I'm particulary interested in selecting a 1m S/PDIF in the $300 to $350 range. Here's the short list I composed as of today:

AZ MC2 $298
Stealth Varidig $300
Purenote Epsilon $350
Hi Hockey,

I felt the same way that you did, but I compared three cables and found drastic differences (as drastic as any cable change, anyway). I found an Apogee Wyde-Eye to sound much better and more musical than a Better Cables video/digital cable. I preferred a Cardas Lightning 15 over the Apogee, but both are very different sounding. The seperation between the instruemnts seems much greater with the Cardas, there is also less "noise", and it seems to be a bit more upfront. At the same time the Apogee is nicely balanced, very musical, and $200 or so less. I have no idea why digital cabes should sound different, but for some reason they do.
the Apogee is very good but the silver shadow from Nordost bettered it significantly!
I traded my Harmonic Tech Platinum for the Acoustic Zen and never looked back. Almost indistinguishable from my analogue cables in tone.
I've owned the HT Platinum, Nordost Silver Shadow, DH Labs Silver Sonic and Stealth Fineline II. Personally, I couldn't detect any differences between the cables. At the same time, I have found significant differnces in analog cables. In my limited experience, you'll likely get better results spending the money elsewhere in your system rather than on the digital interconnect - just my 2cents. Good luck.
I too switched from HT Platinum to Acoustic Zen. The AZ is MUCH better! At least give it a listen, you may agree....