What s the best Class A integrated tube amp over 80W

I am using Sound Lab ESL speakers, which have a very high impedance at low frequency (30 ohms). At high frequency, SL speakers have very low impedance (3 ohms). I loved the class A in Pass Labs amp, but it took too long to FULLY warm up in my small room (9x11)-5-6 hours. I have a thread on Agon on this topic, but now I would like some recommendations on the best Class A tube integrated amp with >80W. Usually, integrated are the budget model of the line, but must be GREAT class A tube integrateds. Any recommendations?
Hello chungjh, you are on the right track. For the money, you can’t do better than what you did. And the 6550/KT88 tube design should sound fine on Electrostats.  From my memory, the Premier 12s have a hardwired power cable. That may be the only issue limiting your options to tweak the amps.  But those amps are beautiful, powerful, and gorgeous sounding. I have a very big collection of amps going back 30yrs to current products products and I can honestly say that sometimes my vintage items outperform my more current stuff.   For my systems, I stock up on fuses so my systems are never down for long.  
i would agree that an arc vt100 series 2 or 3 amp would be excellent, and makes no apologies to many newer tube amps that are multiples of its price presently

brilliant, powerful, wonderful sounding amps... not super tubey in a rolled off romantic sense but great imaging, extension, bass control (for a tube amp) and midrange magic

i have tried cj tube amps in the past, they are a touch more romantic than the arc's and substantial weaker in terms of bass output and speaker control
Audio Research LS 22 preamp and Audio Research Classic 150's this combination drives my Martin Logan Quest Z's better than anything else I have tried in my 50 years of hifi!  Obviously not an integrated but why bother?
I have been using these uninterrupted since 1995 with only occasional tube changes.
When someone compares what they get purchasing an older pair of amps like the Conrad Johnson Premier 12s or Audio Research VT-100 to todays amplifiers, it just makes sense.  Something like these amps made today would cost so much money and might not have the same high quality parts and workmanship. And, a well made and designed amp will last many many years.  Yes the VT-100 series 2 or 3 are the better ones.  Jjss49, I agree with you about the different sonic characteristics of CJ and AR.  I’ve mixed matched between them throughout the years. 
91490 likes the LS 22-classic 150 combo. How about others? What preamp-older AMP combo do you like?