Hello Chungjh, if I were to tell you, you probably wouldn’t believe me or it. I’m assuming because I didn’t, but learned the hard way. Spent a ton of money and got me almost there: But not to where my system was perfect. Now I currently have 3 setups where they sound perfect to me. What am I talking about? Older items. People, including myself discounted older items because in my belief, there couldn’t be any way something older could sound better than something new- I needed to learn. I’ve listened to a lot of “state of the art” current products and many of them fall way short of some of the classic designs. I have many great tube amps to recommend that are a little old but are truly killer. Do you want my advice? Been in this hobby for 30 yrs. I’ll just leave you with 2 different sounding amps but extremely fine items. Conrad Johnson Premier Four (100 watts)
Audio Research VT-100 (100 watts).
Audio Research VT-100 (100 watts).