What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
I absolutely agree Jdcrox. No arguement there. And a simple message would have avoided this whole issue.

But I still stand on my statement that I think the posting was and will be far more hurtful then the 10 days or so the person had to wait for a response. Mike doesn't deserve to have negative postings about his companies stability and then panic postings saying,"Well, since I had read that the ocmpany was in trouble I got concerned."

The REAL truth is, if this thread had never been started then poor Nvlashi would never have been concerned about the companies stability and would never had reacted to the delay in his response and would never had posted the note he did...

Think about it!

Hey, Nvlashi...

I read on an on-line forum that a guy got an e-mail from Mike at Talon that implied that he may have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks. He's not 100% sure, but that should be enough to help you rest easy.

If it's posted on the 'gon, it must be true.
Talon is just fine!

There has been some disruption to to personal issues that have taken me away from work. My mother-in-law passed away from cancer late September. I was taking time off to take care of my kids so my wife could spend time with her mother. Also, since August I have been going through a divorce with my wife(timing is interesting?!) and have taken additional time off. The time off has proved to be successful for we have all legal issues resolved(as of last week) and are simply going through the rest of the legal process.

Unfortunately, due to all the time off taken I have dropped the ball on many issues. I have been feverishly catching up and will be back to normal by next week. As they say, "when the cat is away the mice will play". It is amazing how much more work is accomplished when I am at the office.

Finally, I have been up front and shared personal issues in explaining "what's up?". This does not excuse my neglect for handling or properly delegating business issues. This is only an effort to shed light on why there has been a disruption. I am taking a risk with this approach. However, I am passionate about Talon and the amazing loudspeakers we produce. This passion is also shared with the many customers who share this passion. Their patience and faith has been a real boost for me during the past several dark months. Their enthusiasm is invigorating and is why I am in this business.

Talon is committed to advancing loudspeaker design. Our current products are prime examples to this committment. Also, our committment to the upgradability of our products is another example. We have greatly increased efficiency, lowered THD, improved phase, and extended frequency extremes. These advancements are rewarding, but the customer's own satisfaction is the final reward.

Happy Listening,

Michael Farnsworth
Talon Audio

Am I to understand that my starting this thread may have caused Talon irreparable damage? It was certainly not my intent. As an owner of Talon Audio speakers, I have followed
with interest any magazine review,chat thread or 'for sale' add regarding their product that I could find. I've never assumed that seeing alot of their speakers up for salepointed to problems with the company. Nor has it bothered me that their head designer moved on. Those are some of the issues that have been brought up in response to my initial question. What has concerned me is my local dealer dropping their product, a noticable decrease in marketing efforts (not the least of which is a for all intents and purposes dead web site),and an all to familiar voice mail message when trying to phone them.

But all that aside, my concerns were actually addressed early on. Both Bigkidz and Brieshayna indicated that they had spoken with Mike at Talon and that all is well (at least as well as things can be for a small manufacturer in the world of specialty audio). What does bother me now is your suggesting that I was somehow ignorant of the effects that my posting could have on a company such as Talon. I was seeking information regarding the status of a company whose products I hold in high regard. That information was not necessarily easy to find through traditional means.Was this irresponsable on my part? I don't think so.If Mr. Farnsworth is as you have said now aware of this thread, then maybe he could find the time to address the concerns voiced here himself.Other manufacturers have contributed on A'gon before. If he is to busy with his duties running Talon to make this possible, then all the better. Perhaps you can fill us all in.

(p.s.....To avoid confusion, note that my original posting was made using my e-mal address. I have since remembered my log-in and password.)
Thank you for that poinyent and intelligent addition. And thank you for proving my point even further. It's the people who AREN'T posting and are just reading in silence that absord this crap like an alcoholic drinks Coltrain.

This is getting nowhere. For those of you who feel the need, my point is going unheard. Please continue to post unfounded rumors and hearsay until the only companies that can survive are the huge giants. And then let's all pay their outrageous prices instead of thanking the little guy for offering high quality product for a reasonable price.
