1.That people invest so much energy and funds in inanimate objects that they hope will get them close to the reality instead of investing directly into real animate objects.
2. That $375 MM cartridge can sound so good when used with $3k table and $1.5k arm.
3. That there appears to still be many enthusiasts of open reel decks who keep to true audiophile roots.
4. That some have thousands of records and keep buying more.
5.That tubes still rule no matter what is sometimes said. They do not sound different than transistors, they sound better.
6. That at times paying a lot for cables makes perfect sense.
2. That $375 MM cartridge can sound so good when used with $3k table and $1.5k arm.
3. That there appears to still be many enthusiasts of open reel decks who keep to true audiophile roots.
4. That some have thousands of records and keep buying more.
5.That tubes still rule no matter what is sometimes said. They do not sound different than transistors, they sound better.
6. That at times paying a lot for cables makes perfect sense.