What's your chair ?

Recently due to a change in speakers, I am looking for a new chair for my listening room. My previous chair (the very comfortable Bentley chair and ottoman from Ethan Allen) affords me a height of 39" at my ear. I need to find a chair, preferably with height adjustment, so that my ear is more or less at the height of the woofer in my new speakers which is an unusual 42". Since this is an important factor in integrating the sound from my speakers, I was wondering whether my fellow audiophiles had any suggestions. Also curious as to what chairs you do use, since this is quite an important factor in our audio lives.

Showing 1 response by agaffer

"Eames Lounge Chair & Ottomen, beautiful rosewood shell with soft black leather. You can spend hours at a time in great comfort."

I second this advice. There is no chair more comfortable than the Eames.