Sorry Slothman, your post appeared after I pressed the button at my end. I agree with your assessment of "Yr" (see response above).
Have you ever heard the actual original on Frammis records? There were two versions, a day sky and night sky cover for the two LP's. As good as the ECM version was, it was made from a copy and omitted some fiddle work that they could not get permission to use.
Find a copy if you have a way to spin LP's, you won't regret it.
Have you ever heard the actual original on Frammis records? There were two versions, a day sky and night sky cover for the two LP's. As good as the ECM version was, it was made from a copy and omitted some fiddle work that they could not get permission to use.
Find a copy if you have a way to spin LP's, you won't regret it.