What should I look for when purchasing a quality album?

So dumb it down for a newbie…

What should I look for when purchasing a quality album? A quality label? A quality recording and hopefully? well engineered? How wrong would it be to buy used albums? Is that the fun of it? Where are the Best places to shop online?I just bought a reasonably costly analog rig and I am started to collect vinyl.

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My dad was a proctologist, so I'm cool with it.

Every year I attend the Capitol Audio Fest, and I usually buy 8-10 LPs from my favorite vendor, at prices up to $20 but usually about $10 each. However, the experience gives me the chance to see what is being asked for some LPs I already own. It gives me the (false) impression that my 3000 LPs must be worth $15-20K, at least. Even that amount would average out to only $5-6 per.  I am realistic enough to know that no one is ever going to pay that much.

I have had great experiences with Discogs. A handful of albums were bad and sellers refunded $$ without even asking for the album back.  Tracking Angle is a great source for classical if you like classical. LOTS of great reissues from Mofi, Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, as others have said. I have also found good albums on eBay, but you have to check the seller.  At some time, you will need to invest in a record cleaning machine. I have an ultrasonic one from Cleaner Vinyl that is about 10 years old. Still works fine. There are many record cleaners out there, and that would be a whole different thread :-) Enjoy the journey. 

Glad I could be the butt of your jokes...

Say lewm, think I could borrow that record cleaner..?