What should I look for when purchasing a quality album?

So dumb it down for a newbie…

What should I look for when purchasing a quality album? A quality label? A quality recording and hopefully? well engineered? How wrong would it be to buy used albums? Is that the fun of it? Where are the Best places to shop online?I just bought a reasonably costly analog rig and I am started to collect vinyl.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Glad I could be the butt of your jokes...

Say lewm, think I could borrow that record cleaner..?

@OP - Invest in an ultrasonic record cleaning machine. Use streaming to identify recordings you like and then go tracking down the vinyl. I have heard vinyl recordings that don't sound good on CD but not vice versa. There are differences between different pressings of the same album depending on how old the stampers were and, also, sometimes different plants got different generations of the master. However, chasing specific matrix numbers is probably further along the spectrum of anality than your are at at the moment if starting to build a library.