OK, I measured the volume of my usual listenings and got the following numbers: I sit about 6-7 ft from my speakers, average volume is 75-80 dB with 80-90 dB in peaks, max average volume (never got louder yet, but may try this weekend) is 80-85 dB with 95-101 dB in peaks. Most of the time the meter stays around 12 or moves for a second to 1 pm during peaks. Never stays over 12 for more than two sec.
Please help me to understand those numbers, how good (or bad) and efficient my system is and whether my amp is sufficient enough or I need to move up to the next level.
Thank you.
Please help me to understand those numbers, how good (or bad) and efficient my system is and whether my amp is sufficient enough or I need to move up to the next level.
Thank you.