What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.

What speaker cable would you use with Martin Logan Motion series (AMT) tweeters. I am kinda all over the map with this one...Cardas seems too smooth, Nordost too bright. Is there a middle ground? For example, Analysis plus, Transparent, Shunyata Gamma, what about Gutwire? Open to suggestions.

I won't bother you with the whole bi-wiring thing.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks, I just picked up a Musical Fidelity A1 integrated. Class A. New version. I never tried the upper line of Cardas cables. Man, you know your stuff. 

Depends.  What cables are you using now, and what specific improvements/sound characteristics are you looking for?  Also, what’s your budget and are you looking new or used, and do you want bi-wire or not?

I dont need to biwire, I am using some cheap Mogami now. I can go up to $1,000 for a pair of speaker cables. I just don't want anything to sound too bright. 

If you bi-wire I’d highly recommend these AZ shotgun cables that are in your price range.  I have them and they’re nicely detailed but not bright at all with great tone and 3D soundstage abilities, and a few people here have replaced Mogami with these and have been very happy.  Best of luck.


I am using Canare 4S11 speaker cable connected to the GE Triton Refs speakers with AMT  type tweeter.  No harshness, just pure treble.