What speaker has the best tweeter?

I love the AMT tweeters in my speakers. They are definitely different from other tweeters I have heard. I enjoy their openness and air. But there are qualities of other tweeters that excel in other ways. Some v pricy speakers use beryllium or diamond or diamond coated beryllium. I see that the price of, Seas I think, diamond tweeter is like $6K a pair. Then ribbons offer used. Not to mention plasma, etc.
I don’t know if one can evaluate a tweeter alone, , in isolation from other drivers in a system.  There are many fine examples, that can work well in the right system, such as Magneplanar ribbons, pleated ribbons (e.g. AMT), and one of my favorites—Western Electric 597 fieldcoil compression tweeters.  The 597 is particularly good at disappearing—you hardly know it is working.  I heard a fantastic version of the 597 made by G.I.P. Laboratories (this tweeter costs $60,000 a pair); it is in the running for best tweeter.
There are a couple of great Beryllium tweeters. D3004/6640, TW29-B, D2908-7140, etc ... You have Raal. And more. Yet for me, I will mirror what others have posted. A good AMT just sounds very real to this 40 yr musician veteran's ears. I love some Aruum Cantus. And although I'm not a fan of Heil dipole tweeters, I love the old round face monopole AMTs! If crossed over high enough in a 3 or 4 way, they are among the best available today.
The LD50 of ozone for humans is around 50 ppm, so this is a real concern and this is why they are not made anymore.
Don’t know where you get that idea, these are the newest horn loaded ones, but are little colored sounding because, of the horn and don't have a 360 degree radiating pattern

Cheers George
George - looks like you need a 49 ppm quantum tunneling ozone fuse….
Yeah maybe I can reverse also it and then stick it where the sun don't shine.

Cheers George