What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.

Showing 3 responses by rbbert

You also need to check out NOLA KO's which I believe list right at your $10k price. As much as I admire Vapor's philosophy and approach, unless your priority is the deepest bass the NOLA's beat any Vapor model IMO. Of course, like two others here, if I were you I'd grab the used AZ Crescendos offered for $7500 without a second thought.
You should also seriously consider the NOLA KO's which I think list for $10k; except for the deepest bass they clearer beat any of the Vapor models IMHO. Of course, like a couple of other posters here I would grab those used AZ Crescendos without a second thought.
Sorry for the dupe post; when the first one hadn't appeared after ~16 hrs I thought it had been lost.